Modern slavery statement

This statement has been published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the MSA), pursuant to Section 54(1), Part 6. It sets out the steps planned to be taken by Loaf to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.

Here at Loaf it is important to us (and, we're sure, you our customers) that as a business we take a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. We are working hard to ensure these crimes and violations of fundamental human rights do not exist in either our business activities or our supply chains. Read on for how.

Organisational structure and supply chains

Established in 2008 and based in London, we are a retail business selling homewares products via brochures, online and our Shacks (stores).

As a reflection of our commitment to supporting local business and artisans, the majority of our products are manufactured in the UK. But some of the sourcing and manufacturing processes involve international suppliers. As a result, identifying and handling all related risks is very challenging. We therefore rely on the safeguarding processes of our contractors and suppliers to ensure that human rights abuses and incidences of modern slavery don't occur in our supply chain.

But we know the buck stops with us. Our Board and senior management are hugely committed to our anti-slavery initiatives and are supported by our HR, Operations, Buying and Quality Control teams.

Policies and contractual controls

As part of our commitment to combatting all forms of modern slavery we have produced this Modern Slavery Statement that strictly prohibits the use of forced labour, child labour and human trafficking within our business and supply chain.

This statement sets out our zero-tolerance approach to such abuses of human rights and will reserve our right to terminate relationships with any supplier in the event of non-compliance (and a subsequent failure by the supplier in question to address any breaches once identified and notified in respect of the same).

Assessment of modern slavery risk within our supply chain

We have identified that the greatest risk with respect to modern slavery is within our supply chain. Accordingly, we are focusing our due diligence efforts on the companies that make up this supply chain.

Due diligence and audit of suppliers and supply chain

We are in the process of auditing international suppliers by an accredited 3rd party. This work will expand and continue.

Modern slavery training

We want all our staff to understand the importance of slavery and trafficking, and how they, and the business, must be part of the solution. We are in the process of familiarising all employees and suppliers with this Modern Slavery Statement.

Further steps to prevent modern slavery in supply chains

We are looking to take further steps to prevent modern slavery in our supply chains by:

  • Only entering into and continuing commercial relationships with companies who share our values and standards
  • Requiring any new major supplier tendering for work with us to provide details of its policies on slavery and human trafficking and provide assurances that it does not (and nor does any entity within its supply chain) engage in slavery or human trafficking or any associated activity
  • Refusing to enter into commercial relationships with entities knowingly involved with slavery or human trafficking
  • Undertaking a more detailed mapping of our supply chain to identify and reduce the risks of modern slavery related to both
  • Encouraging a culture of whistle-blowing within our supply chain
  • Introducing slavery training for all our relevant staff

Assessment of effectiveness in preventing modern slavery

As a commitment to our workforce and you, our customers, we will be reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of these measures, taking into consideration: staff training; suppliers' compliance with our policies; levels of communication between us and our major suppliers; and evidence of steps taken by us to address the risks identified during the due diligence process.

Board Approval

This statement was approved by Loaf's Board of Directors which will be reviewing and updating it where relevant annually.